
Live from New York, this is Ian David Moss reporting from the 2009 Grantmakers in the Arts Conference, “Navigating the Art of Change.” The recession figures to play a big role in this year’s discussions, as funders grapple with how best to serve their constituencies with reduced resources and an eye toward the future. Starting tomorrow, I’ll be providing updates from sessions that I attend in as close to real-time as I can manage, though there may be a lag of up to a day or so at particularly busy stretches.

In case you’re wondering who I am, I’m an arts consultant and recent graduate of the Yale School of Management who has been writing about arts policy and philanthropy for the past two years at my blog Createquity. This is the first time that Grantmakers in the Arts has invited a blogger or any member of the press to cover its conference in (almost) its entirety, and I am honored to be the inaugural participant in this particular experiment.

I’ll be back tomorrow with reports from the Arts and Social Justice Preconference, the opening plenary dinner, and anything else that catches my eye. Welcome aboard and I hope you’ll find these reports informative and entertaining!