Here’s a quick overview of current and historic Federal arts support on the Art:21 blog.

Talking about federal arts funding in America can be very confusing because of the many facts and figures. So, in an effort to understand the current and historic levels of federal funds that artists of all types have enjoyed, and to better understand the economic impact of the arts in America, I have compiled the following data from online sources

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This is followed by an interview with Congressional Arts Caucus Co-Chairs, Rep. Louise Slaughter (D-NY) and Rep. Todd Russell Platts (R-PA.

I asked the two co-chairs if they thought arts organizations were effective at making the case for their own funding and what they do for our country. Should artists be doing anything to ensure that arts funding is a priority for our elected officials?

“No, I don’t think they are doing anything wrong,” Rep. Slaughter said. “And artists don’t owe us a thing. It’s incredible how they make a living.”

Rep. Platts took a different approach and explained that, “the more personal the communication to members of Congress the better.” He seemed to discourage organizational lobbying and wanted individuals to relay their own stories to their elected officials which, he said, makes a big difference to people like him.

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