New Report Alert: "Pulse Checking Progress Toward Operationalizing REI: Arts, Culture & Healing"

In a new report, "Pulse Checking Progress Toward Operationalizing REI: Arts, Culture & Healing," from LivingCities revisits learnings and progress from internal racial equity work over the part five years in response to a 2017 internal learning report, “What Does it Take to Embed a Racial Equity & Inclusion Lens?"

"There were twelve themes we uncovered in our scan of practices being used by organizations to operationalize racial equity," the authors, Hafizah Omar and Joanna Carrasco, explain in the Pulse Check. "These twelve recommendations have guided our internal racial equity work in the last five years and we want to update you on what we have learned along the way and what we are continuing to test and practice."

Read the recommendations and progress report here.