How Facebook’s Latest Algorithm Update Affects Nonprofits

Facebook’s most recent algorithm change has sparked a conversation about its implications for publishers like nonprofit organizations. In a post published on January 11, the company said its News Feed will prioritize posts from friends and family and updates that spark conversation, and “show less public content, including videos and other posts from publishers or businesses.”

“The change in Facebook’s News Feed algorithm comes at a particularly bad time for nonprofit organizations that are already gearing up to see a decrease in funds due to the tax reform. With less exposure to Facebook users who may be potential donors, nonprofits are facing a tough year ahead,” writes Nonprofit Quarterly picking up an article published on this issue in BuzzFeed.

However, nonprofits may benefit from the idea on those “meaningful interactions” Facebook seeks to increase with strategic communications. “Nonprofits have meaningful interactions with constituents every day in real life. Those that can find a way to have these types interactions on Facebook may find success with the new algorithm,” offers Nonprofit Quarterly.

Read the article in the Nonprofit Quarterly.