Inclusive Economies, the focus of EmcArts' Community Innovation Labs

Building inclusive economies within American communities is the focus of the third round of EmcArts as Indianapolis joins its Community Innovation Labs.

The Community Innovation Lab in Indianapolis is a collaborative effort between EmcArts and local conveners Spirit & Place, Groundwork Indy, and the Kheprw Institute.

“The Lab seeks to uncover and advance strategies toward creating more inclusive and sustainable economies for those who are too frequently pushed aside by traditional systems, with a particular focus on youth aging out of foster care and returning citizens,” explains EmcArts.

In a recent newsletter, EmcArts added:

Focusing on the social and financial empowerment of those re-entering the community from incarceration and other institutions, the Lab enters its third phase with six "small experiments with radical intent." Planned experiments, each including an element of artistic practice, highlight the visibility and talents of returning citizens and our shared humanity through art-making, as well as connecting them to resources through both formal and informal channels.

Read the details here.

Image: EmcArts website