Arts at the Intersection with Technology and Health: A new funding program

The California Arts Council announced its new Innovations + Intersections pilot grant program, which seeks to serve as "a resource for nonprofits statewide to implement creative strategies that take on urgent community needs crossing the technology and health sectors," according to a press release.

Technology and health, explains the announcement, were the two areas identified by the Council body as having "the greatest potential for demonstrable impact and community value when connected with arts and culture."

“The Innovations + Intersections pilot provides a rare opportunity for community stakeholders, from disparate fields, to gather, dream big, and create an unparalleled project that speaks to their needs while inspiring communities nationwide,” Nashormeh Lindo, California Arts Council chair, said of the grant program that will offer funding up to $500,000 for arts-based projects that incorporate health and/or technology.

Read the press release.

Image: Bruno /Germany @ Pixabay