2017 GIA Conference
Detroit, MI   October 28–31
Legacy and Leadership

Creative Placemaking From the Community Up

Sunday, October 29, 10:00am – 11:30am

Nicolet B

Organized by Sharon LaRue, Executive Director, Kentucky Foundation for Women.

Presented by Debi Chess Mabie, Executive Director, Arts Foundation for Tucson and Southern Arizona; Erik Takeshita, Portfolio Director, Bush Foundation; and F. Javier Torres, Director of National Grantmaking, ArtPlace America. Interviewed by Judi Jennings, Board Member, Arts & Democracy.

What can be learned by looking at creative placemaking from the community up? Can urban, suburban, and rural areas cross racial, economic, cultural, and geographic divides to create effective collaborations? Can arts and culture lead equitable community development? This session will feature interviews with grantmakers at the national, regional, and state levels that will present new frames for problem solving and inclusion. Interviewees will highlight concrete examples of how community-based creative placemaking can bring together local agencies, citizens, artists, and cultural organizers to create new spaces for civic participation and accomplish long-term goals. A facilitated learning exchange will engage participants in sharing practical tools, promising practices, and specific examples of overcoming barriers to equitable placemaking and community development.