Racial Equity in Grantmaking Coding Project

Since 2018, the Arts Program at the Doris Duke Foundation (DDF), with Callahan Consulting for the Arts (CCA) has been leading Racial Equity in Grantmaking (REG), a project to design and test a system for measuring the racial equity of its grantmaking. In recent years, REG has been conducted in partnership with Grantmakers in the Arts (GIA) and other funders.

The goals of REG are for funders to: 

  • Move from general impressions of progress to concrete data about the degree to which our grant portfolios are making progress in advancing racial equity. 
  • Augment our grants data with an agreed-upon set of measures of racial equity. 
  • Take ownership and control over our data and our story of addressing racial equity. 
  • Eventually, consider setting goals related to racial equity to which we can hold ourselves and our field accountable. 

In 2022, GIA introduced the project through  this blog. GIA described the experience of participating in the project Cohort in  this podcast  with Susan Feder (Mellon Foundation), Adam Fong (William & Flora Hewlett Foundation), and Maurine Knighton (Doris Duke Foundation); and  this podcast  with Eleanor Savage (Jerome Foundation), and Tiffany Wilhelm (Opportunity Fund). 

An invitation to join the project Cohort is here. For more information on collaborating with your peer grantmakers as part of this project, please visit this REG Information page or email reg@ForTheArts.org.