GIA Research on Support for Individual Artists


   Artist Support Benchmarking Initiative, Preliminary Report, 28 Sept 2012 (2.7Mb)

Attached is the Field Scan Preliminary Report, marking the first phase of this work.  This has been an educational and fascinating process so far. This first report was designed to frame the issues around this research and advance the conversation, so we look forward to your responses.

We are seeking your comments and responses to this draft, and there are a couple of ways to respond. You can respond by email to If you plan to reply by email, please do so by October 26th.

We will also be presenting the report at two times at the GIA conference:

Sunday, October 14 at 11:00 AM
for those registered for the Support for Individual Artists Preconference

Monday, October 15 at 2:00 PM
for those attending the main conference.

This presentation will also be available by phone at 2:00 PM EDT. The dial in number is (847) 944-7661, passcode 6734-0930.