Marking Progress: Evaluating Movement Toward Racial Justice

Philanthropic Initiative for Racial Equity will host a webinar on July 27 titled Marking Progress: Evaluating Movement Toward Racial Justice.

This webinar will address challenges, offer examples of current evaluative efforts, and share suggestions to help us ask the right questions from various roles of community activist, advocate, researcher, or funder. More importantly, we will conduct an interactive session to ensure that we hear what funders, activists and others are struggling with or learning in their own evaluations.


  • Michelle Fine, Distinguished Professor, The Graduate Center, City University of New York
  • Rinku Sen, Executive Director, The Applied Research Center
  • Maya Wiley, Executive Director, Center for Social Inclusion
  • Moderated by Lori Villarosa, Executive Director, The Philanthropic Initiative for Racial Equity

The webinar will raise issues that each of the presenters have written about in PRE's Critical Issues Forum, Vol. 3 Marking Progress: Movement Toward Racial Justice, as well as expand as our thinking has continued to evolve and as we have continued to hear about challenges raised by others.

Register for the webinar here.