Case for Change Capital in the Arts

Nonprofit Finance Fund

In June 2011, Nonprofit Finance Fund published a new series on the need for and uses of capital in the arts. This series of written and video materials conveys stories and lessons learned from NFF’s $15 million Leading for the Future Initiative, the first national Initiative to deploy a specific kind of investment – change capital – to help arts organizations adapt their programming, operations and finances to thrive in a changed and changing economic and cultural landscape.


   Case for Change Captial In the Arts (490Kb)

   Financial Reporting Done Right (65Kb)

Leading For the Future: Center Theatre Group from Nonprofit Finance Fund on Vimeo.

At the 2011 convening of Leading For the Future (LFF) participants, Nonprofit Finance Fund's Rebecca Thomas spoke with Charles Dillingham, Managing Director of Center Theatre Group, about how his organization had invested its allotment of Change Capital. For more information about the LFF initiative and nonprofit capitalization in general, visit

Leading For the Future: Steppenwolf Theatre from Nonprofit Finance Fund on Vimeo.

At the 2011 convening of Leading For the Future (LFF) participants, Nonprofit Finance Fund's Rodney Christopher spoke with Steppenwolf Theatre's Artistic Director Martha Lavey and Artistic Development Director Polly Carl, about how their organization had invested its allotment of Change Capital. For more information about the LFF initiative and nonprofit capitalization in general, visit