South Arts, AFTA Bring Readiness Planning to Local Arts Agencies

South Arts and Americans for the Arts have announced a partnership to bring the ArtsReady online planning tool to local arts organizations nationwide. September is National Preparedness Month, and this collaboration marks a significant step forward in the national arts readiness movement.

ArtsReady is a Web-based emergency preparedness platform designed to provide arts organizations with customized business continuity plans for post crisis sustainability. ArtsReady guides organizations through developing (or updating an existing) customized business continuity plan via four key steps


  • Assessing the organization’s readiness level and vulnerabilities
  • Developing a self-paced action plan
  • Storage of critical data that might be needed in an emergency
  • Joining the Battle Buddy Network to give and receive aid when needed

This partnership makes the ArtsReady online tool available for half the regular cost to Americans for the Arts Core Level and above member organizations, providing first year Premium ArtsReady memberships for $150.