Barry’s Blog Arts and Healing Blogathon Underway

Barry’s Blog has invited a group of eight professionals to discuss a set of questions on the topic of Arts & Aging in a “blogathon” that began on June 14 with the initial post on Arts and Healing.

Dr. Julene Johnson shared this with me:

As you know, this field has been struggling for an identify for a while (at least in the US; less so in other countries). I noticed that you are using several terms, including “art and aging” and “arts and healing.” It’s quite possible that I’ve missed these terms in my work, but this is the first time I’ve seen the term “arts and healing.”

(However, there is a “Arts and Healing network” website. And the Americans for the Arts uses this phrase. And I was interviewed for a story at UCSF titled “The Art of Healing” It’s possible that this is the way that artists are framing this movement.??

Read the full post.