The Arts Dynamic

A Survey and Analysis of Arts Education in San Antonio Area Schools for the 1999-2000 School Year

Denise Casanova and Noël “Bella” Merriam-Gourley

2001, 116 pages. San Antonio Arts in Education Task Force,


   The Arts Dynamic (5Mb)

The Arts Dynamic is a survey and analysis of arts education in San Antonio, Texas area schools for the 1999-2000 school year commissioned by the San Antonio Arts in Education Task Force, a group of local arts educators.

The group asked three basic questions as it began the research for this comprehensive look at arts education in area school districts: Are San Antonio children getting a complete education, an education that includes the arts? How does the art education offered by San Antonio schools compare with that in other Texas schools and selected cities elsewhere in the country? How can we join forces – educators, administrators, parents, arts agencies, and funding sources – to provide all San Antonio students with a superior arts education?

The study provides “snapshots” that include summary information on arts education and arts opportunities offered to the almost 238,000 students in various grade levels in thirteen area school systems as well as detailed data backing up these summaries. Almost 100 easy-to-read charts cover everything from fine arts teacher/pupil ratios to contact hours by artistic discipline. Information about programming provided by nineteen arts organizations and comparative dates on the districts is also included in this section.

The report also contains research-based information on the value of arts education as well as steps everyone from parents to corporate leaders can take to support and promote arts in the schools. The last section of the book features a resource guide.

Lead funder of the project was the Kronkosky Charitable Foundation.