The Artistic Imagination as a Force in Civic Dialogue

Barbara Schaffer Bacon, Cheryl Yuen, and Pam Korza

2010, 138 pages, Americans for the Arts, 1000 Vermont Ave. NW, Washington, D.C., 20005, (202) 371-2830


   Animating Democracy: The Artistic Imagination as a Force in Civic Dialogue (397Kb)

In 1996, the Ford Foundation awarded a grant to Americans for the Arts to study current activity and best practices among artists and cultural organizations whose work engages the public in dialogue on key civic issues. This resulting report, Animating Democracy:The Artistic Imagination as a Force in Civic Dialogue, maps the current field, identifies issues and trends, and suggests opportunities for arts entities, policymakers, and funders to work together to strengthen the evolving activity in this sometimes volatile arena.The study reinforces the key and creative roles that the arts can play in the renewal of civic dialogue as well as challenges arts and cultural organizations face as they engage in this work.

This report best serves as a framework upon which to build. In publishing Animating Democracy through its Institute for Community Development and the Arts, Americans for the Arts is pleased to launch a broader effort: the Animating Democracy Initiative. Supported by the Ford Foundation, the Initiative will be a four-year endeavor to continue to chart and bolster this work.

Available online from Americans for the Arts